What types of Yoga Are There?

types f yoga

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Ever wondered “What types of Yoga Are There”?

Well, there are basically 13 different types of Yoga all with different sets of poses (stance and position of body). This guide will help you decide which type is best for you, whether a beginner or a more advanced Yogi.

1. Anusara

Sometimes called “Yoga of the Heart” Anusara was founded by a student of Lyengar Yoga John Fi rend in the 1990’s. He developed a system of the universal principles of alignment. Based on the belief that we are all filled with intrinsic goodness.

Anusara students practice the three A’s,

Alignment – Awareness of ourselves

Attitude –  Awakening of the Heart

Action – Natural flow of energy, leading to joy and stability

Overall difficulty 5/10

2. Ashtanga


Ashtanga Yoga is one of the benefits of Yoga


This is quite a tough class for the beginner so I would err on the side of caution until you have done some basic yoga. There are 5 Ashtanga Anusara series and each student must master the first before moving onwards and upwards.

The purpose of Ashtanga is the purification of Body & Mind.

It takes years to move up the levels so is only for the committed.

Overall difficulty 9/10

3. Bikram

Bikram Choudury developed this form of Yoga in the late eighties. One of the most popular Yoga classes it features 26 Yoga Poses that have to be performed twice in a heated room of 105 degrees and 40% humidity. The programme is famously tough and some GP’s have expressed concern as to novices doing too much too soon.

Overall Difficulty 8/10 For people who like a repetitive set routine

4. Hatha

This is the most popular form of Yoga and most group classes in the UK are Hatha Yoga. It teaches physical posture and you get a gentle introduction to the most basic Yoga Poses.

The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to create a link between the body and the mind.

You will slowly gain strength and suppleness but you won’t be sweating buckets like Bikram.

You will be required to hold your pose for a few breaths.

Overall Difficulty 3/10 Ideal for beginners

5. Hot Yoga


hot yoga one of the benefits of yoga


Pretty much the same as Bikram Yoga. Small differences in the actual programme but again, heated room and high humidity, sweat buckets.

Overall Difficulty 9/10

6. Iyenga

Sometimes called “Furniture Yoga” due to the use of Blocks, Bricks & Straps. Very purist and concise. Precise alignment and deliberate posing. Teachers will share a lot of information during their classes. Can be quite good for people with Injuries although they should consult their GP’s first.

Overall Difficulty 8/10 Best for detailed Oriented Yogis

7. Prenatal

Prenatal Yogi was developed to keep expectant Mothers muscles and mental health strong through all aspects of the pregnancy. All poses are to aid the pregnant mothers strength and flexibility. It also helps the Mothers proper breathing and relaxation during the Labour.

Overall Difficulty 5/10 Gentle poses and relaxation

8. Restorative


Restorative yoga is a benefits of yoga


The purpose of Restorative Yoga is to provide rest and rejuvenation to Muscles and connective tissues. There are some long holds in poses and it can be challenging to hold on to those holds. Although it looks quite peaceful, it’s not as easy as it first seems. You won’t be sweating much but you will be rested afterwards. The use of props is paramount to this practice.

Overall Difficulty 8/10 Best for people who have anxiety or Insomnia

9. Vinyasa/Power

Vinyasa is a phrase that roughly translates to “to place in a special way” referring to a series of “poses”. Instructors link their students from Breath to movement often playing music to liven things up a bit. Think rhythmic music and sweat and you’ll get the idea. If your prone to injury probably not the best Yoga for you due to the amount of movement involved.

Overall Difficulty 8/10 Best for Runners or Athletes

10. Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is ideal if you want to calm and balance your mind. Poses are held for several minutes at a time, targeting your deeper connective tissues, using props so your body can release into the posture.

Overall Difficulty 7/10 Best for people who need to stretch and unwind

Thanks for reading “What Types Of Yoga Are There?

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